Prep Year
At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, a “play-based” approach to learning in Prep is adhered to and is supported by the Australian Curriculum documentation.
Prep promotes purposeful, planned and collaborative active learning, engaging the curriculum across five contexts: Play, Real-life situations, Investigations, Routines and transitions, Focused learning and teaching.

​Assessment is used to gain information about children and therefore inform teaching and learning experiences. Assessment is gained in a variety of ways, for example through conversations, observations and work samples.
To align with the Australian Curriculum, a written report card will be provided to parents/carers twice yearly. Religion, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and the Arts will be reported on using a five-point scale which includes the descriptors:
Making connections
Working with
Becoming aware
The remaining curriculum areas will have a written description in response to aspects of the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines–Active Learning Processes, Health and Physical Learning, Social and Personal Learning and will be reported on using a three-point scale:Working towards expectations, Meeting expectations, Exceeding expectations.
Age Eligibility for Prep​
1st July 2018 - 30th June 2019 - Eligible for Prep in 2024 and Year 1 in 2025
1st July 2019 - 30th June 2020 - Eligible for Prep in 2025 and Year 1 in 2026
1st July 2020 - 30th June 2021 - Eligible for Prep in 2026 and Year 1 in 2027