An Application for Student Enrolment form (see link above) must be completed in respect to every child for whom such enrolment is sought. Before an application can be considered, the following conditions must be met:-
Parents/carers must be prepared to accept the conditions of enrolment fully in respect to each child. These conditions will include willingness by parents for their child to participate in formal religious education classes and the other religious practices of the school.
A commitment to payment of school fees and levies.
A copy of Baptismal Certificate (if applicable), Birth Certificate and Immunisation certificate are to be provided.
Children entering Prep in 2024 will need to be five years of age by 30 June.

Parents/carers arrange an interview with the principal or member of leadership through our office. ​
​Enrolment does not automatically follow as a result of an application and interview.
Preference for enrolment is given to Catholic children whose family worship life is centred in the Capricorn Coast Catholic Parish.
Children of other faiths are welcomed, providing there are places available and it has been established that the families will support the ethos of our school.​
Children will not be excluded from Sacred Heart Yeppoon if genuine financial hardship prevents the payment of school fees in total or in part.